

Page history last edited by Cassandra Wagner 11 years, 7 months ago

If you want access to PDF files of the deck we used, contact Taylor at Taylor.Young@LeanAgileTraining.com .  (Note for public readers: You must also be a CSM/CSPO we trained.)


Read or finish reading the following:

Agile Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber.


The Scrum Guide  http://agileconsortium.pbworks.com/w/page/23740731/Scrum%20Guide


Again, the Scrum Guide is a key source for questions on the CSM Test.


You are certainly welcome to read here (this wiki), at my blog Agile & Business (see http://www.leanagiletraining.com/blog/), and at a special Yahoo group called AgileBusiness (http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/AgileBusiness).  Please also contribute, even if only with questions.


We also particularly recommend:

ScrumDevelopment (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/scrumdevelopment)

LeanDevelopment (http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/leandevelopment)

The Agile2013 Conference (http://agile2013.agilealliance.org/) in August.

The next ScrumGathering is in Las Vegas.


See Agile Info, here: http://www.leanagiletraining.com/resources.html

There is a whole LOT of info on and "beneath" this page.  It includes: books, articles, blogs, yahoo groups, "user groups", etc, etc.


Local Groups: You should join a "local" group.  Or start a local group or an "industry" group.

You should be aware of:

NYC Scrum User Group  - http://nycscrumusergroup.eventbrite.com/

There are at least two other good Agile groups in NYC.

If you want to look at other groups, see:



Here are some other useful documents:


Prioritizing projects.pdf


CSM PDU Claim Process-3.pdf




Joe's Unofficial Scrum Checklist


Favorite Scrum Mistakes


A list summarizing ScrumV5.pdf   This list is useful as a review. And maybe useful as a starting point for defining Scrum or Agile for your group.


Agile Release Planning:

Joe's Release Planning




Agile 2010 Scrum excel spreadsheet:




We place the highest value on taking action and getting real results.

Put what you think you know into action.  Now.

Find out what you don't know as well as what you thought you did. 

Find out what you need to know the most. Now.

Learn more (for a bit). Act more.

Learn-Act.  Get into a tight cycle.  Like a PDCA cycle.


We want you to pursue this with perseverance and aggressiveness, and at the same time patience.


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